About Us
Starting over a decade ago and against considerable odds, “SHRUTI ICEMAC ENGINEERS” a firm formerly known as “SHRUTI INDUSTRIES” has gained immense reputation for its quality products specifically manufactured for the Ice Cream industry.
A solid foundation has been laid by its Director and Management team of the company.
The office and factory is strategically located at Maruti Compound, Kasheli, Kalher, Tahasil Bhiwandi, Thane District.
A huge percentage of the company's sales come from its products uniquely designed for the Ice Cream industry. The company has reached where they are today mainly due to the close team-work of our employees and due to our shared value system which emphasizes commitment to excellence, closeness to customers, and the spirit of innovation.
“SHRUTI” believes that prosperous customers will, in turn, reflect in its own well-being. Subsequently, it does not indulge in marketing and relies solely on word-of-mouth references by satisfied customers. The organization also believes in serving clients of all size and stature equally, and has supported a member of small-scale entrepreneurs.
Today, SHRUTI ICEMAC ENGINEERS” has come a long way from its humble roots. Its commitment to quality, dedication to clients and emphasis on customer satisfaction have contributed, in no small, measure, to establishing it firmly as a reliable associate and one of the major players in the field.